read only permissions to this Flickr account', 'tantan-flickr');?>
id="synidcate" onclick="document.getElementById('baseurldiv').style.display='block';"> Yes, display my Flickr Albums on this blog', 'tantan-flickr');?>

onclick="document.getElementById('baseurldiv').style.display='none';"> No, don\'t display my Flickr Albums on this blog', 'tantan-flickr');?>
write post screen.', 'tantan-flickr');?>
id="linkoptions1" />   id="linkoptions2" />
id="showbadge" />

Note: Your theme does not look it\'s properly configured for WordPress Widgets. Here are instructions on how to add WordPress Widgets to your existing theme.', 'tantan-flickr');?>
latest version of WordPress if you want to show your recent Flickr photos in your WordPress sidebar.', 'tantan-flickr');?>
id="hideprivate" />