Don’t miss our most important meeting of 2022

We invite you to join us for the SC Progressive Network‘s general membership meeting on Saturday, March 12, 2–5pm. To keep everyone safe and to accomodate members from outside of Columbia, we will meet on Zoom.

The Network’s executive committee, pre-pandemic

Because we will be discussing critical in-house business, to attend you must be dues-current since March 12, 2021. As there will be critical decisions to consider at our meeting, please review the c4 bylaws. The dues cycle is now Jan. 1 to Dec. 31.

Current members will receive information before the meeting so they can meaningfully engage in the process. To join or renew your dues, you can pay securely online. To check your membership status, call 803-661-8000.

These are perilous times. We need a clear-eyed plan as we re-organize and map plans for 2022 and beyond.