2 thoughts on “Should Bush resign?

  1. I’d prefer that they were arrested, hauled out of the West Wing in handcuffs, charged with any number of the crimes they’ve committed — preferably their crimes against humanity and the numerous constitutional violations, and then when convicted, sentenced to life in Abu Gahrib.

    Barring that. I’ll take impeachment, conviction and expulsion for the lot of them — thus making Nancy Pelosi president, by the way.

    I was against the idea of Impeachment when it came up during the mid-terms because I thought all it would do is give the GOP the ammunition they wanted to stall more needed reforms and would use it to feign the moral high ground. I was hoping, albeit foolishly, that maybe the message sent by the change in power might have nudged this regime to play ball and back off the Neocon bullshit. I was wrong, of course, and it’s only gotten worse.

    So now, after this latest and perhaps most offensive fuck you to the rest of us — this egregious .display of contempt for our laws and the hubris with which these people operate — I think Impeachment is the only way to regain any kind of respect for our system of government. It’s the only way to demonstrate to the nation and the world that we do believe in what we say in the constitution and we are a lawful member of the world community. But perhaps, most important, tossing this cabal out on their asses would signal strongly to future candidates that you can’t just make shit up as you go along. We have laws and a constitution, damnit!

  2. Popular television host Keith Olbermann will be moderating the AFL-CIO Presidential Candidates Forum from 6-7:30 p.m. CDT on Aug. 7 in Chicago.

    And we wanted you, the e-mail activists who every day make a difference for working families, to hear the big news right away.

    Olbermann and working men and women at the forum will question the candidates–and some of the questions will come from e-activists like you.

    Vote now for the question you’d like the presidential candidates to answer.

    Watch the forum live–tune in yourself or invite folks over for a Watch Party–Aug. 7 from 6-7:30 p.m. CDT (7-8:30 p.m. EDT) on MSNBC. Or listen to it on XM Satellite Radio.

    The response to the question contest has been overwhelming.

    You’ve already submitted nearly 1,200 questions on topics such as the Employee Free Choice Act, health care, international trade, education, energy, CEO pay, Iraq, immigration and the future of the labor movement.

    AFL-CIO union members submitted the questions, but anyone can vote for a general question, or a specific question directed to the confirmed candidates for the forum: Sens. Joe Biden, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Christopher Dodd and Barack Obama; former Sen. John Edwards; Rep. Dennis Kucinich; and New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson.

    With a fine host like Keith Olbermann, along with questions directly from working men and women and their families, the presidential forum is sure to be a hit.

    In solidarity,
    Working Families e-Activist Network, AFL-CIO

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