Does he or doesn’t he?

The whispering campaign against Obama
by Kevin Alexander Gray, Columbia

I hope folk don’t think I am for a particular candidate cause I’m not. This time out I intend to vote in the Democrat primary but beyond that remains an open proposition. Obama is 3rd on my consideration list. Krugman’s article is just another reason to reconsider his position. Clinton is not on my list at all.

Oddly enough, I was speaking to someone from the midwest this past weekend. I believe it was after the Vegas debate. That person matter-of-factly mentioned that the bomb Clinton operatives may have sent to Novak was Obama’s alleged heroin use. I think the person mentioned it to me knowing that at times I can’t hold my water.  I mentioned the call for its oddity to a family member but held passing on the gossip.

But low and behold by Sunday Obama on air was daring the Clinton people to put up or shut up. Then by Monday that sorry-ass Chris Matthews was talking about Obama’s drug use confession to a group of school kids. Matthews said that Obama confessed to drug use as a kid, “pot, cocaine, everything but heroin.”

So, the Obama story since Vegas has been the polls – Iowa, trust, experience and, Obama’s past drug use. As I walked in the house around 6:45 tonite to catch the remainder of the news – I turned on the tv – MSNBC – to hear the Obama and drug use which they’ve pushed since Monday.

Drug use isn’t a disqualifier for me. Hell, it may make me more apt to support a candidate. Drug use and alcohol abuse certainly didn’t disqualify George Bush. And maybe Obama is getting in front of a story so as to defuse it.

But one thing is for sure – it has now become an ‘official’ part of the “whispering campaign.”

One thought on “Does he or doesn’t he?

  1. It’s been enjoyable to see Kevin Gray weighing in on some issues here recently. I appreciate his views and hope he keeps it up.

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