Night school with George Lakoff

Ever wonder why simply stating our positions on the hot button issues isn’t enough to win votes? Or why Democrats who try and adopt conservative stances on issues usually lose their elections even in conservative districts?

Professor George Lakoff has the answers and will show us how to frame the solutions during the next Night School. On Thursday, July 17, Professor Lakoff will be the special guest trainer; highlighting specific thinking points from his new book “The Political Mind” and teaching the framing progressives need to know to win. Join us “Live from Netroots Nation” at a special time: 5:30pm Eastern.

The Political Mind with George Lakoff
Thursday 5:30pm Eastern Time


Howard Dean called Professor Lakoff “One of the most influential thinkers of the progressive movement.” Lakoff’s 2004 book Don’t Think of an Elephant taught progressives how to take back the message and expose Republican framing. He changed the way people speak about the issues and now he’s taken it to the next level with his new book.

We’ll be spending an hour with Professor Lakoff as part of this special Netroots Nation edition of DFA Night School.

Night School is DFA’s interactive online training program. Every month Night School brings top campaign experts right to your home at absolutely no cost to you. Simply visit here to sign up and get the info you’ll need to listen to the program live Thursday afternoon or listen to the recording on your own time. As always, Night School training will be accompanied by a slideshow that you can view from your computer.

Join Professor Lakoff at Netroots Nation and learn the secrets of the Political Mind.